Umeå Guide Association regularly organizes training for its members, a requirement for the guides to be able to keep its authorization. The 20/3 gave Emmy Eriksson, Umeå Culture twelve inquisitive tourist guides a thorough review of Lattice.Two-thirds of the total 24,000 square meters of the city will rent the fabric AB, a corporation owned by the Municipality of Umeå and Balticgruppen. Architects Snøhetta (famous for the Oslo Opera House and the Library of Alexandria) who designed the house’s exterior with six entrances and White Architects who stands for the interior. The building is inspired by the birches, the facade of the glass. It has worked in parallel with the construction process and activities of eight working groups in democratic co-creation with Maria Olsson, White’s architect. The library will be on three levels, the layout of the 300,000 books changed to become more thematic and the large bokmagasinet will become public. Two theaters with 60 and 130 seats, called Silence and Capture enables the People movie will fit. A nasty scene, black box for 400 spectators can accommodate large productions. The house is divided into blocks of themes and artistic clusters with art teaching lab and the Women’s History Museum. The heated terraces will be available around the clock throughout the year. The inauguration takes place on November 21 which is also the start of the eighth and final season for Sami Culture wound. The fabric is a new landmark to incorporate in Umeguidernas guided tours.
Visits to the fabric
mars 27, 2014Skrivet av GuideUme