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International guide Day

City tour in central Umeå!

During the International Guide Day Saturday, 2/21 invites Umeå Guide Association in the city walk in central Umeå. We start from the Umeå Tourist Office, Renmarkstorget, at. 14:00. City walk takes about 45-60 minutes. The event is free of charge. Welcome!

Lecture about art on Campus

Umeå Guide Association attended the 3/6 in a training with the museum curator and arts administrator Brita Täljedal. It was a very interesting and rewarding walking tour. Guide Association received a copy of a new book, art walk at Umeå University.

The idea is that the guides be awaken interest for further discoveries and experiences and introduce Umeå residents to some of the artifacts found around the University and Norrland’s University Hospital (NUS). The artworks purchased by National Public and Academic houses, it is not Umeå University will bear the cost.

We started at the fountain ”Gamble” by Mats Olofgörs on campus square, designed for precisely this location. Water flows after a stainless steel central column, in winter becomes a fountain sculpture illuminated artwork. Of the forms of Karl Johan mushrooms and a toarulle Eva Lövdal made ​​a nice little sculpture of brushed aluminum depicting the mathematical concept of Pi.

”Northern Lights” from 1970 is Ernst Nordin’s greatest works. Now, as 80-year-old, he has engraved our new coins coming on the market in the future. Vägstaketet ”Snökontinenter” at the hospital by Eva Marklund is 150 meters long and depicts snöformationer the world’s highest mountain peaks and Kebnekaise. Lage Lindell’s 95-meter long artwork of bodies in motion around the auditoriums in the University Library in 1971, inspired by the Olympic Games in Mexico in 1968. It is regarded as one of Sweden’s foremost public art works and called ”Artwork with no name”.

”Mirror Digital Clock” by Albin Karlsson in the university library with digital indicators that seem to float freely in the ceiling has been with computer mechanics proved right time since the advent of 2007.

Bicycle tours with the theme of art and culture to the campus starting June 16 from Green Fire / Railway Station at 18.00 and returns odd Wednesdays. Umeå Guide Association says welcome to an interesting bike tours!

Birgitta Bäckström, secretary Umeå Guide Association

Continuing education Röbäck

Training on Röbäck history

Fourteen authorized tourist guides from Umeå Guide Association were rich and very knowledgeable training of a true expert on Röbäck history, Lennart Forsberg.

We learned about the great earthquake in 7478 BC, deglaciation, ditching of plain and ancient monuments. We looked at the historical sites, like local history society marked with informative signs.It was Röbäck source, as seen already by Urban Hjärne as a health spa in the 1600’s. Many of the villagers had been over 100 years, which was attributed to the ferrous healthy water. We even saw the stone bridges of different ages.

Coastal road, the old Norrstigen between Stockholm and Tornio went through the village. The road did most winter when it was faster and easier to summer utilize waterways. Stenhuggarängen, memory monument stonemasons in Roback, was the next stop, the village has a long stenhuggartradition. Today we can admire Roback stonemasons’ skills, among other things on the bases of former VK building and former post office building at Rådhusesplanaden (now Länsförsäkringar) and the Mimer school. Then we visited war graves from the 1808-1809 war. More than 570 Finnish and Swedish soldiers died in the war hospital in Roback. It supplemented the war hospital in the church cottages on the hill. Over 1,200 injured and sick was taken Roback and the mortality rate was high in especially in dysentery. According to the regulations would graves to be 1.8 meters but usually it was only 0.5 meters deep due to frost and need. Roback residents complained to the governor the power Mountain and requested the lime to sprinkle over the graves and thawed likdelarna.

Lennart Forsberg also talked about the mills in Robäcken and flax. On the gallows in Roback was the last execution in Västerbotten August 24, 1853 after the so-called Hössjömordet. The executioner named Jacob Gyll.

Umeå Guide Association will offer free bike tours even weeks themed story to Roback and odd weeks on the theme of art to the university and hospital area starting den11 June.

Birgitta Bäckström, Secretary, Umeå Guide Association

Display of Large hotel

Sunday 6/4 went Umeå Guide Association showing the main hotel.

Major hotel is Umeå’s most historic hotel and opened its doors for the first time in 1895. In February, before reopening the hotel and it had been refurbished with a sailor theme, which is excellently suited when the hotel included the MMO, and Umeå have a proud tradition skeppsbyggarstad. Our host at the hotel talked about the Gotthard Zetterberg, who ran the hotel from the start. Obviously, we looked into the hotel restaurant, which has been named Gotthard Pub. We were told that on Sundays has a fixed, affordable menu with different themes.


The hotel now has eighty rooms, from small compact room – ”sailor bunks” to the hotel’s main rooms – the suite ”Freedom”.The hotel applies as the other major hotels, dynamic prices, in other words, the price can go up and down depending on supply and demand. The suite is always a fixed price of 6000 SEK.

The hotel has a remarkable interior and the thoughtful design is attributed to the design Stylt Trampoli. During playback, it was both praise and criticism of the group and we found that dining room chairs among others are dressed in velvet – ”everything comes back.”

The group also received some information about the new hotel U & Me and cultural fabric, which is under construction. The only disappointment was that the group did not see the suite as well as the very special staircase on the third floor, when you shut off due to a smaller labor.

The display ended with coffee and bun in the Culture Café.

Short facts:

Umeå’s oldest hotel

82 rooms

Included in the chain Worldhotels

Visits to the fabric

Umeå Guide Association regularly organizes training for its members, a requirement for the guides to be able to keep its authorization. The 20/3 gave Emmy Eriksson, Umeå Culture twelve inquisitive tourist guides a thorough review of Lattice.Two-thirds of the total 24,000 square meters of the city will rent the fabric AB, a corporation owned by the Municipality of Umeå and Balticgruppen. Architects Snøhetta (famous for the Oslo Opera House and the Library of Alexandria) who designed the house’s exterior with six entrances and White Architects who stands for the interior. The building is inspired by the birches, the facade of the glass. It has worked in parallel with the construction process and activities of eight working groups in democratic co-creation with Maria Olsson, White’s architect. The library will be on three levels, the layout of the 300,000 books changed to become more thematic and the large bokmagasinet will become public. Two theaters with 60 and 130 seats, called Silence and Capture enables the People movie will fit. A nasty scene, black box for 400 spectators can accommodate large productions. The house is divided into blocks of themes and artistic clusters with art teaching lab and the Women’s History Museum. The heated terraces will be available around the clock throughout the year. The inauguration takes place on November 21 which is also the start of the eighth and final season for Sami Culture wound. The fabric is a new landmark to incorporate in Umeguidernas guided tours.

studiebesk mars2014 Studiebesk mars 2014 2

Umeå region reading!

For 2014, the project ”Umeå region reads” chosen Lars Widdings novel ”The maid and the glory”. We offer theme tours starting from the book and the maid Ida Kristina alternatively in Lars Widdings footsteps. Guided tours are also offered in the bus. The guided tours take about 1½ hours, fees for the walks is 1500 SEK including VAT (1 200 SEK ex. VAT) and the bus 1 750 SEK including VAT (SEK 1 400 ex. VAT). Reservations are made ​​by Ann Sigfridsson, 070-60 60 829, , or Eva Sigurdh, 070-339 97 67,

lars widding

Traditionally visit to Vaasa

According to a forty-year tradition visited the guides from Umeå colleagues in Vaasa.

First Advent weekend 2013 visited nine authorized tourist guides from Umeå Guide Association colleagues in Vaasa. We have met every two years since Umeå Guide Association was formed in 1973. We were warmly welcomed by the ferry ride, which was clearly better than in the past with the new ferry. On Saturday, we were guided in CA Setter’s Holy Trinity Churchin the English Gothic style from 1869. The church can hold 900 people and has three interesting altarpieces, Albert Edelfelt Adoration of the Shepherds, RW Ekman, First Communion and Louis Sparre Jesus’ entombment. Guided made ​​Margit Sell Berg, Chairman. In the crypt served since rice pudding and ham cooked in the Vasaa-Korsholms guides. The association has nearly fifty members. Umeå Guide Association has, for the past and guide the program last school year, twenty-three authorized active tourist guides.

In the afternoon, we were guided on Tikanoja where President castle’s art treasures now displayed because the castle renovated. In the evening there was little Christmas party, vasa guides had made ​​a rich Christmas dinner. Umeguidernahanded Västerbotten and Berghems flatbread to its numerous hosts. Games, contests, singing and raffle were part of the nice party.
Vaasa The guides would of course come up visit during the Capital of Culture year. Early Sunday morning ferry went back.Next year will be the return visit in Umeå.

Birgitta Bäckström, secretary Umeå Guide Association

40-year tradition with a guide visit

Forty years of tradition, Umeå Guide Association hosts for the Vaasa-Korsholms guides. Other Advent weekend visited nineteen guides from Vaasa Mustasaari Umeå Guide Association. We have met every two years since Umeå Guide Association was formed in 1973. However, it is five years since they last visited Umeå Guide Association when the ferry was canceled precisely on the days planned last year. Arts Campus, especially the Institute of Design, taught by one of the students in the current guide training, department head at the Institute of Design Alakörkkö. The fourteen guide students also attended the showing of coffee at the residence in the presence of Governor Magdalena Andersson. This was followed by visits to Gammlia Christmas markets and traditional Christmas party at Culture Cafe Pilgatan. Before the guests were guided in bus around the new Umeå to the ferry by authorized guide Eva Sigurdh were informed at the tourist office of the Capital of Culture year by two other authorized guides, also the directors of Umeå Guide Association, Kaarina Honkanen and Valter Linghult. In two years go Umeå Guide Association to Vaasa with new ferry.

Birgitta Bäckström, secretary Umeå Guide Association

Vaasa guides to visit

Umeå Guide Association and the Vasa-Korsholm guides have for many years been visiting
each other every two years. It is now five years since the last Vasa guide the visit in Umeå since last year’s planning came to nothing for the ferry did not go. Nineteen Finnish colleagues expected the weekend 7-9 / 12th
The planning includes visits to the artistic campus along
with the current guide price, tour and coffee at the residence as well
Gammlia Christmas market and the Christmas party at the cafe culture Pilgatan. Before the ferry going back
on Sunday our guests information about the Capital of Culture 2014 and a guided
bus tour. In two years we are going to return visit to the Vasa. Umeå Guide Association now has twelve
active members, then we should be twice the number of authorized guides.

Birgitta Bäckström, Secretary, Umeå Guide Association